New Profile Posts

  1. Ozzmobubu
  2. Jentrasa
    Can people stop complaining about the pipe bomb.
  3. The Partisan Spy
    The Partisan Spy
    A new way to review games.
  4. Fixarfrazze
  5. Artopwn
    Borderline unplayable
  6. RagingCucumber
    Zane, switzerland, poor English, sorry guys!
  7. Core-PAlN
    Still waiting for Borderlands 3~
  8. David Hackworth
    David Hackworth
    Banning people for misgendering a robot is dumb as fuck.
  9. Gender Not Specified
    Gender Not Specified
    Looking forward to BL3!!
  10. Gender Not Specified
    Gender Not Specified
    Nice day out, feeling confident
  11. Enone
    Perpetually avoiding reality
  12. LukaHazous
    All around the Sta-actus plant, the stalker chased the bandit. The stalker thought 'twas all in fun -- POP! Goes the bandit!
  13. LukaHazous
  14. D Lee
    D Lee
    TRY ME, Let's go game
  15. barinua
    barinua moosemeat
    Hi, I'm new to BL3, Please can you let me know some major instructions on posting? thanks
  16. scorpion king
    scorpion king JonathanS
    I am new at this page and I also want some instructions about BL3 Forum. I will be thankful for this favor.
    1. JonathanS likes this.
    2. JonathanS
      Hey @scorpion king, thanks for your comment! I'm fairly knowledgeable on BL2 and 3. Anything you would like to know in particular? Let me know, I'm always here to help.

      May 24, 2017
  17. EarlAlexander
    the best way to keep yourself busy is by playing a strategic and interesting game
  18. a nakedmonk86
    a nakedmonk86 Spectro
    Hey spectro. Are you still doing BL2?
  19. Dirty Bigsby
    Dirty Bigsby aFunnyFatGuy
    Yo, sorry I got caught up last night, should be on for most of the evening and you can catch me up haha.
  20. BunLi_Jackolope
    BunLi_Jackolope blackhappyinn
    You a bot? Most of you messages are copy paste. What's up with that?